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Don’t you wish that you could have such a profound impact on someone, that even after a few hours, they would know that there was something special about you?

Or, for those that you already know, you were able to break out of your mould, and surprise them again? Showing them a new you that they have never known.

The fact is though, that we’re not as special as we hope, and will never be brave enough to break the mould, if even for a moment, amongst our most trusted comrades, let alone strangers who judge us so harshly.

Truth is, that we are normal, fallible, expendable pawns in a chess game that is being played by someone else.

Judged for our limited movement, used when appropriate, and sacrificed when the time is right, possibly prematurely. No cognisance that you may be a rook stuck in a pawn’s shell. Or a queen, hiding behind the bishop, incorrectly left behind for fear of losing her. The king in a corner, protected by the castle, that would far rather be free on the board. In spite of his limited moves, he still has value to add, but must be protected at all costs. Perhaps he should be allowed to fight the battle too, alongside his troops, rather than hidden from them.

To feel so out of control, as to believe that our lives are simply played on a stage of giants for their pleasure, and their pleasure alone. Their ignorance or brilliance open for all to see, but not to act upon.

My chest tightens as I realise that there’s simply nothing I can do, to change the outcome of the game. It will go how it will go, and unfortunately, the only control I have is my piece, on my square, until the player moves me again. My only requirement to stay standing long enough for the next move to happen. Hoping that it won’t be the sacrificial move.

Completely helpless… us, in this game of chess.